
What Are You Doing To Reduce Mental Waste?

What Are You Doing To Reduce Mental Waste?

Being a spiritual empath, I have the ability to truly see all sides of almost any situation. Because of this, I usually try to stay out of political conversations, but I tell you what, today I am going to take a stand. Not about any one candidate or politician, but about the mental waste that is being generated around the current political climate and administration. I am a strong supporter of finding your voice and speaking your mind and now I think it’s time to take it to the next level. Where does the power of our words go, and are they like a very fine airborne virus that travels silently until it finds a vulnerable victim? Or, are they like New York City on a garbage strike? Whether or not you believe we are all inter-connected, doesn’t make it not so. So what I would like to tell you is how I experience all of the fearful rhetoric about our politicians, political parties, and economy. Every time I see a public figure strive to inspire anger, hatred, or fear in a tv interview or public speech, I see the energy coming from them as a dark mist and floating directly to their supporters and hanging over them like a cloud that connects them all together in that shaded darkness. When I see it my heart slows and I get very tired, much like I have witnessed in a person suffering from cancer. What I do then is take a deep breath and focus on a golden light, as if the sun is shining directly on me until I feel the darkness pass. I also say a prayer for those who generate that energy, that the sun shines on them too. I know that people out there are angry, frustrated, and futile, but don’t believe it! When you believe that your situation is futile, you give your essence and power to everyone that feels that way. Disconnecting from them and that futility is your hope for generating a new energy and a new job, love, or life. I encourage you to take your power back from those you have given it to and if you have mental waste, write it down on a piece of paper and burn it. Remember, things are never as bad as they seem, and if you think so…get someone else’s opinion.

Here is another article I wrote that gives something a little more tangible. “Empathy and the Impact of the Media” is an archived link to my old website, click on home and scroll down to new articles.

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