I look at it from the 1-3 layer perspective. There are 3 layers to us, one of real value and significance and two of ornamental value. Who we are, how we define ourselves, and how others see us. Who we are can only be recognized by embracing the collective and acknowledging the source from where all matter flows, the Divine. You know who you are when you can accept that there is no separation from the Divine. Racism, discrimination, and prejudice are how we figure out our ornamentation. The illusions that lead us back to the divine, inherently contain the belief that we are separate from it. When we believe in our race, color, creed, religion, socio-economic status, or personality we lose sight of who we truly are and focus then on the many pathways back to ourselves and the Divine. When we put all our focus on the Divine we then see ourselves as we are and as others see us. Unity is the Divine. Here are three exercise’s to help you focus on integration instead of separation.
1. Make a list of 3 things you feel define you, then ask yourself who you would be without these things.
2. Write down one thing that you discriminate against, or feel prejudice for. Be honest. Now, imagine being that thing. Write down 3 ways your life would be different.
3. Light a candle. Sit quietly and stare at the flame. Close your eyes and visualize that flame. Now visualize that flame directly in the center of your chest, feeling the warmth of the flame emanating from your body. Now imagine that this flame is the collective heart of all creation. Sit in this way for 3 minutes. When you are finished, ask yourself the importance of the 3 things you feel define you.