Why is it in our youth, our instinct is if it doesn’t work, cut it off or throw it away, rather than fix it. I remember my Grandfather’s old musty workshop that had the same tools and items he’d had for 40 years. If something stopped working, he would reinvent it or fix it, either way, its life would continue. It’s the same for marriage and relationships in our culture. If one wife doesn’t do what you want, get rid of her. If your husband loses his job, cut him loose. If a tribe in your country doesn’t have the same beliefs, slaughter them. Somehow, I think that those with this philosophy believe that it is one of God’s ordinances.
Being in a powerless state of mind is dangerous and untrue. We have the power or access to it at all times. My Grandfather had an old bath tub in the basement, and by old I mean iron. By the time he was in his early eighties, those basement stairs were getting a little hectic. By this time in his life, all of his kids were gone or moved away. I am not sure exactly what the neighbor situation was but he was on a mission to bring that old tub upstairs and install it and there was no help for him but the Almighty. Don’t you know he created some sort of a pulley system and dragged that big iron bastard upstairs and installed it all by himself…well him and the Almighty.
So is the problem that we have no vision? Or are we a society that has so much that we can afford to cast aside what we perceive we no longer need? The Appendix is a very unique organ. In doing a little research, I found it a little irritating that no one really knows what it is for. We know that it somehow gathers toxins from the rest of the body which is why if it moves into a state of imbalance the doctor’s don’t hesitate to take it out. How is it at this day and age we don’t know its real purpose? I believe that instead of having evolved beyond the need for it that we haven’t evolved into its true purpose. Every few days I have a little conversation with my Appendix. I say. “Thanks buddy, for all your hard work. For keeping my mind, body, and spirit, in balance…and for not giving up.”
Thank you for not being a quitter. In this day and age we are truly rich. We can have anything we want with a little vision and a lot of perseverance. Energy doesn’t run out it changes form over and over again. We already have everything we want in our hands right now, it only needs to be molded into our ever changing vision. So thank you for not giving up on yourself, friends, or family. For not giving up on the mind, body, or spirit of freedom that is within you and from which all you do is innately born. Finally, when it seems that you are stuck and things aren’t moving and it appears that you don’t have enough; please remember that there is only Love about you.