Photo by Stan Cunningham; Cunninghamoutdoors.com
I Have a Friend in Bear
Two times in my life during profound transformation, the Bear has come to me in a dream. The first, when I began working as a spiritual empath. The first three years were the most intense; I barely slept and rarely went outside. My inner world was rich with new knowledge and experience but my body was wrought with fatigue. I don’t suppose it helped that I was on the Carl’s Jr. Diet. You see, since about the age of 12 I had always been weight and health conscious, but after contracting an illness that required the adoption of extreme measures, I stopped eating sugar, drinking alcohol, and became vegan. I learned about supplements and herbs, and with these choices came a complete physical recovery and the beginning of an opportunity to heal myself emotionally, and then spiritually. The spiritual healing was a lengthy process that took several years of daily work. All of it awe inspiring. About the time I began working with clients I had been quite healthful for about a decade so I allowed myself to enjoy soda, burgers, and fries on occasion. My indulgence was only about once a month for about two years and the freedom alone to eat what I wanted when I wanted was invaluable but the physical fatigue from the spiritual and emotional transformation was mounting. One night, after several nights of very little sleep and extreme emotions, I prayed to the creator for some relief and a new strategy. That night I fell fast asleep and woke up in the middle of a dream sleeping in the warm clutches of a big Mama Bear.
Precious Sleep
For the first time in months I felt calm and at peace. Safety was truly not a feeling I had been accustomed too until that moment and it was overwhelming. I wept to create space to receive this feeling of safety and comfort for the first time in my life. That night Bear told me what was next. It was now time to eat only the things that brought nourishment to my body. That taking a leadership position in my life meant that it was time to walk through my fear of sharing who I really am, and not hiding any of my abilities. Finally, that compassion means setting boundaries with people instead of just understanding that they do not know the impact that they have on me and others.
The Freedom in Opinion
The second time Bear joined me in dream time was just a few months ago. This time it was Papa bear. He brought me the message of safety, comfort, and compassion as before, but this time was distinctly different. This time his message to me, as we sat face to face, was an enormous courage and strength with a physical vitality I haven’t experienced since I was a child. He told me that my opinion had value; which struck me funny as anyone who knows me, knows I am not necessarily “shy” about my opinion. It then became clear to me that my emphasis has always been on understanding and having compassion. That while having empathy for both sides of any situation is definitely a skill set, it was now time to truly cultivate my opinion. A freedom opened in my heart that day; a new level of trust in the Creator, myself, and others that took me deeply into the consciousness of safety.
Bear Ally
So, should you seek the assistance of Bear, a powerful ally you will have indeed. Bear brings a new comfort in the truth and an integration of understanding. Mama and Papa Bear have much to teach about leadership and its true meaning, self reflection and self love, joy in resurrecting a pure heart, and physical strategies to sustain a healthful and balanced way of life.
Prayer for Bear
Thank you Great Spirit for your powerful Bear warrior. May you teach us how to take care of him in the way he takes care of us, and may we always be mindful of the space he needs to live and grow and the connection he has to all of our relations. May our hearts be open to the message of strength and integrity that you offer us through him. Aho