“…we think that any reader who is in need of assistance of slaying one’s personal demons—or who wishes to help others slay theirs—will find this book invaluable.” (Excerpt from Foreword)
Brad and Sherry Steiger
Authors, Real Miracles, Divine Intervention, and Feats of Incredible Survival
A handbook for personal empowerment that concentrates on life’s demons and how to fight them.
The latest in Dunblazier’s (The Demon Slayer’s Handbook, 2015) series continues to offer personal anecdotes about her struggles as a psychic and spiritualist, as well as an account of the demons that she believes inhabit the mortal world. “There is a connection between people and demons,” she assures readers, and she structures her latest handbook around five parables (“the stories of the spirit guides that have worked with me in this lifetime and for some over many lifetimes”) and five “basic levels of perception”: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and causal. Dunblazier focuses on encouraging her readers to remain vigilant in the face of the world’s evils, and to marshal the resources that are at their disposal, which include calm introspection, self-possession, and even good humor: “One of the things I know is that when you’re facing the devil head-on, or running for your life, fear is your friend—but not completely,” she writes in one of the book’s many pleasing, counterintuitive moves. “Your fear will eventually turn on you.” The author returns periodically to her own history with her spirit guides, but the main thrust of her book is a set of upbeat propositions about living in the moment and mastering one’s unruly inner world. These are aimed squarely at fellow spiritualists but are also applicable to a wider audience that’s prepared to see demons as metaphors. “Demons are energy, and energy doesn’t go away,” she warns readers, “it changes form”—hence, her emphasis on being alert and ready for anything. Using a potent combination of mystical concepts, including chakras and past lives, Dunblazier creates a guidebook that assures readers that they have the tools to defeat their own demons. The overall ideological framework can feel jumbled at times, but the central message of empowerment will appeal to spiritual seekers.
An encouraging playbook for would-be demon-slayers.
Kirkus Reviews
There isn’t much to say about authors like Tracee Dunblazier, whose work itself speaks for the kind of writing specialists they are. An LA-based shaman, spiritual empath, public speaker and author, Tracee specializes in the teaching of energy dynamics and how they have the power to rule us. It is her ideas and words that make her such a popular and favorite person among her fans. This book too is a testament of the greatness and creativity that can be expected from her.
In her book, Tracee tries to bring every reader’s attention to their inner demons and how they are consuming the life we are given. She talks about being haunted by them and urges readers to identify what they are, why they are, and how we can fight them off. The reader is the slayer and the demons are – well, demons. Call it a self-help book or a guide, as it serves both purposes, Tracee wants her readers to understand and acknowledge the things that make them fearful. According to her, acknowledgment of knowing you are fearful is half the success itself. She uses the multiple energy dimensions to help readers understand the profound power we all have in ourselves, but rarely know about.
She further goes on to explain how our relationships are affected by the choices we make – either to be brave or live the life of a coward. By knowing what holds us back, we allow ourselves a choice; either to stay a coward or go fully-charged into combat with our inner demons.
The readers will find that the number of methods, both ancient and modern, Tracee uses to lay evidence to her theories are indeed very believable. They all teach of how one can release themselves from the soul-devouring parasites within us.
Any reader who is in desperate need of some slaying or wishing or wants to help someone else slay their inner demons must get their hands on this book ASAP. Whether you start off with an open or closed mind, are at rush or at peace, reading with a light or heavy heart, Tracee’s book will always offer the direction you need in life. Five Stars!
“There are few experiences in life that surpass the process of becoming enlightened. Whether cooking, hiking, conversing – the experience of being conscious of oneself and one’s experience in the moment is sublime. Reading this book creates the sense of growing awareness. The words are magic; the energy between words is transcendent.
This author can write about culturally confused topics without disturbing, nor engaging, the lingering disagreements. The words are as important as the stones we skip across the water, but it’s the water that enables the magic. Read this book with an open- or closed-mind, a light or heavy heart, rushed or at peace – this is that book that will always feel like slippers to the feet.
Finally, I am grateful for this author’s courage. She covers a lot of ground here, pokes at many dusty, frightening beliefs and taboos, and opens one’s closets in succession. Some may turn away and dismiss this work; but those who want more from life will smile and turn the pages as eons of weight are lifted from their lives.
Read this book. Do yourself, friends and family, the world a favor and read this book. You will feel lighter. You will feel more deserved of choice.”
-Dale Burks
“Tracee offers insight and tips in her book in a creative and fun way!”
-Amazon Customer
“No matter where you start or what you bring, this book is enlightening, touch-ing and empowering!! I love Tracee’s open, non-judgmental and inclusive style that embraces the reader to pursue his / her own personal journey, while shar-ing in hers. Tracee’s courage to share draws the reader in, and in turn, provides a sense of normalcy and strength to carry on, no matter the demons the reader may face. I love this book, and was sad when I finished it; can’t wait to read volume II. Highly recommended!!”
Cristina Barbosa
“In my line of work, we have many accoutrements and strategies that are meant to help us and others survive day to day experiences as well as life threatening situations. It’s refreshing to have an author acknowledge the need for “proper spiritual training” for warriors entering into battle. Battles with demons: not only in the physical but on the spiritual planes as well. We must learn to use those weapons of “energy, compassion, telepathy, and presence” in addition to the physical tools at our disposal.
I’ve found in reading both books of the series, that I’ve begun to utilize some of the tools presented. The “Stop, Look, and Listen” exercise, is not only spiritually beneficial, but used in the real world, this strategy has helped me to de-escalate situations, listen to and identify victims underlying fears and needs, and find an inner peace and strength for those times that I have lost focus.
As a graduate student in counseling: the books are helpful and I’ve recommended them to colleagues. Speaking with consumers who see only doom and despair, I can now provide some comfort and insight for them as well as myself. As a Slayer, I am grateful for this powerful opportunity to understand the many spiritual dimensions that others experience and to have the clear, concise, and from the heart spiritual tools this book provides.”
-Officer Eric Saavedra, Crisis Intervention Specialist
“We all have challenging life experience, the presence of mind and understanding to face the darkness and the light with courage are hard to muster. I keep reading this book each night and keep finding more information and challenges every time, I have always been a sceptic, honestly,”avoidant,” of the spiritual parts of my life, perhaps I can begin to accept the unknown. I recommend that you accept the challenge and look at your own conflicts…Tracee has done a great job of documenting her experience and creating a ‘”toolbox,” that allows us all to face our Demons.”
-Terry A. Collier
“I LOVE this book! I thought it might be a little “out there” even for me, but it’s so practical and gives great realistic steps to take to battle negative energy. I’m in a toxic workplace, and in one week after trying Tracee’s tips on humor, I’m feeling much more grounded at work. I can’t wait to implement some of her other practical tips, and I agree with the other reviewer, I will be reading this book – and sections of this book – many times. It is profound!”
-Sharon K.
“Tracee Dunblazier explains clearly how to not just avoid the frustrating, mad-dening, demoralizing demons that confront us in our lives but how to face them head-on, if and when we’re ready, in no nonsense, self-supporting ways. Where these demons come from, what they want, and how to send them on their way are but the few things you’ll discover in this fascinating read. The personal stories that represent Ms. Dunblazier’s trials by fire from her own jour-ney serve as valuable and moving lessons-learned for us all, presented with a clear-sighted, non-sentimental (yet profoundly touching) voice. Her emphasis on forgiveness and love is powerful, important, and belies a wisdom accrued from all the warriors captivatingly described within. A definite must-read!”
-Stephen Miller