Today in my morning prayers, I was contemplating the struggle that so many people have with depression and negative thinking. It’s not surprising with all of the violence and nonsense going on right now in the world. All the daily insults to our psyche from the news, it takes an effort to find a little bit of happy place. Although, that isn’t the subject of this blog, it’s about the connection between food and emotional balance.
It is normal in times of emotional upheaval to crave comforting fatty foods. Eating them, makes you feel grounded and happy for about five minutes until you feel dissatisfied again; that diet in just a matter of days diminishes the immune system and deeply affects the brain and the chemicals that your brain produces to feel happy and at peace. Fat isn’t the only consideration. Nonfat foods are the worst for you. Immune building nutrition is paramount, and most of your fast food restaurant food doesn’t have much of it. If you like the burgers and fries, remember that fried and grilled foods are filled with carcinogens that are like little super ninjas in your body fighting your immune system.
I know this isn’t MEGA BREAKING NEWS; in fact I am certain you’ve heard it over and over again. Spirit just wanted to remind you. Remember that anger, sadness, and apathy make you crave fatty foods, and fatty foods make you feel tired, sluggish, and depressed. It truly is a vicious cycle. Finally, for the ending thought. Know that when you are making substantial diet changes, that your mind, body, and spirit will resist at first. You may get sick, emotional, and have incessant running thoughts of your favorite fast food restaurant. DO NOT DRINK the Kool-Aid! The first 3 days are crucial: drink lots of water, get some exercise, eat lots of protein, vegetables, and a little grain. No matter what, don’t give up.
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