How to Get Your Power Back?
Everyone, at some point in their lives will go through a personal crisis, and what I mean by crisis can be anything from some form of mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual trauma to a period of enduring low or high grade stress. The human body, mind, and spirit must process this change of internal atmosphere in some way, whatever way the human will allow. If the stress is left unexpressed, disease is the ultimate result. So, the goal is to recognize the signs of trauma or enduring stress and recognize the process of diminishing energy that leads to the loss of personal power. Before we get started, let me just plant these seeds in your garden. Any condition can be reversed with right action over time. When you stop the stress you begin the healing. Stress is our conflicted response to our situation, and even though we may not be able to change our situation, we can definitely overcome our response. One last little thing, even when you don’t feel it, you have limitless power at your disposal.
What does it mean to lose your strength?
I know that some of you out there may relate your loss of energy and inspiration to simple aging, however, how we age is directly connected to the way we deal with our stress overtime and when you’re young the aches and pains that you experience can be signs of stress. The energy generating and processing systems in your body; you’re adrenals and central nervous systems are directly impacted by your energy and emotion. Let’s take for example, a child who grows up in foster care from the age of two, naturally growing up with distrust and a low expectation of loyalty. Now, what kind of impact do daily thoughts of disappointment, confusion, and betrayal in any form have on that child over time? Keep in mind that for this child these thoughts are a part of their natural internal landscape. Every time they experience a little loss or disappointment the brain, central nervous system, and adrenals are re calibrated to overcome and move through those feelings to stay functional and this could happen fifty times a day or more. Over time, without intervention, these systems in the body get overworked and this person gets sick, sad, tired, or mentally imbalanced and doesn’t even know that there is opportunity to not feel that way as the feelings are as natural as breathing.
How do you know when you’ve lost it?
Lack of empathy, apathy, and lethargy are three of the tell tale signs. You are unable to empathize with others and just stop caring about all the things that brought you currency and joy in your life. When you hit this marker, you’ve been on the decline for a while. Spiritually and mentally you may have some thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that must change. The good thing about getting tired is you begin to pay a little more conscious attention to the things you think and say to yourself every day in your internal dialogue. The next level is the physical decline, physical depression and fatigue with daily chronic dilemmas. When you consistently wake up and feel; fat, ugly, sick, tired, angry, frustrated but just don’t give a @#$%! Welcome…you have arrived. Adrenal fatigue is one of the most common ailments that acknowledge all of these symptoms. In Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, James L. Wilson PhD writes, “One person may withstand a stress quite easily and be ready for more, but another person, or that same person at another time, may find the same stress overwhelming and impossible to bear. It is important to understand that the onset and continuation of adrenal fatigue has great individual variation.”
The really good news is that there is great purpose in the decline. It completely sets you up to acknowledge yourself on deeper levels to achieve deeper healing. When you recognize the decline you then have access to everything that has contributed to it. Now you have found the path to freedom.
How Does this Impact My Relationship?
Naturally, even folks that have the most tuned in and connected relationship can suffer from “Mis communicationism”…yes, I made up that word and it means acute miscommunication on deep spiritual and emotional subliminal levels. You can’t always identify the thing that crept up on you, and if you are a person with a consistently positive outlook on life, you may have just trained yourself right out of recognizing the signs. So, remember these things. 1. Ask questions before you take anything personally and react. 2. If you sense something is amiss with your partner, ask them how they are feeling and listen intently, knowing that it is not your job to fix it. 3. If you are the one feeling the loss of energy, say that. Don’t expect your partner to notice and inquire. 4. Consider that apathy and lethargy make us less likely to engage and to your partner, it may feel to them like you don’t care. Being mindful of this can help you to speak your affection even though it may not be coming with the expected blast of emotional love they are used to.
How to Get It Back
Now that you recognize the signs, your first goal is to stop the bleeding. Look at the people, places, and things in your life that cause you conflict and stress and make different choices. If you cannot change the situation, you must change yourself in it. Whatever you do, don’t consider that everyone else is the problem and want them to change. Evaluate how you feel and what you can change in yourself and what you cannot, doing that will make obvious what choices and changes that you need to make to reduce your stress. Now that you’ve stopped the energy loss you can begin to rebuild. Remember that you didn’t arrive here overnight. Enlist the spirit of patience in yourself and shift your expectations to little daily wins. You are processing something spiritually deep and abiding and with your patience it will eventually reveal itself so that it can be resolved. Taking care of your body through diet and supplements is imperative. Your body in a diminished capacity needs all the nutrients that you can give it, but most of all the priority is to stop the bad habits; drinking, smoking, fatty foods, sugary foods, and low to no activity. This is where you start. Next, educate yourself: Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, by James L. Wilson PhD, is a great book to begin with. Finally, begin generating energy by practicing mindful meditation and hand yoga (Mudras). These are two ways to help release mental stress and begin to generate physical energy without a lot of effort. You are a valuable child of the creator, you are loved, you are important, and you are powerful.