Author Name: Tracee Dunblazier
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Website Link: http://seriousreading.com/author-interviews/13449-interview-with-tracee-dunblazier-author-of-master-your-inner-world-embrace-your-power-with-joy.html
What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special?
The Self-Help Memoir has emerged from an entire generation of wounded healers who don’t just want to tell their story, they need to. I was born to re-live my ancient soul knowledge and share it with others.
How important is research to you when writing a book?
The stories of my spirit guides and past lives were channeled and a part of the process was comparing the images I was receiving to what I could understand through research. I am so grateful to be a writer in the twenty-first century.
What works best for you: Typewriters, fountain pen, dictation, computer or longhand?
Hands down: the computer. Writing with a keyboard helped significantly in keeping up with the flow of information coming in. It makes the process so much easier for me.
What inspires you to write?
Life: the joy and suffering of others.
Writers are often associated with loner tendencies; is there any truth to that?
I’ve not found that to be true. I do think any creative person needs the time and space to process all of their experiences enough to be able to craft them into a product for others to consume.
Have you ever experienced “Writer’s Block”? How long do they usually last?
I don’t believe in “writer’s block”. I think that every story has a birth process and while you’re unable to focus enough to write, your consciousness is preparing every detail for retrieval, and when it’s ready, it will reveal itself.
How would you feel if no one showed up at your book signing?
Tracee, party of one? It’s a nice opportunity to get to know the fine men and women that make a bookstore run. To me, they’re the most important people in publishing.
Do you read and reply to the reviews and comments of your readers?
I do, and am grateful for the chance.
What did you want to become when you were a kid?
In my early childhood I wanted to be a nurse. Eventually, I moved to New York City to become a dancer. I think they were both showing me the ability I have to show others another reality through healing their spirits.
Do you recall the first ever book/novel you read?
The first book I can remember? Well, other than Amelia Bedelia? The Portable Dorothy Parker. Reading her work allowed me to laugh a little at the daunting craziness that was my life at the time.
How realistic are your books?
My books are as real as it gets. No matter what your beliefs, everyone can align or connect with something in the book.
It is often believed that almost all writers have had their hearts broken at some point in time, does that remain true for you as well?
Heartache is the pre-requisite for creativity and transformation. As an empath, my heart breaks a little every day. Sometimes for myself and sometimes for others.
When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?
Not at all. Although, I’ve always been a storyteller.
Poets and writers in general, have a reputation of committing suicide; in your opinion, why is that the case?
I think the old stereotype of the tortured writer, isn’t true for twenty-first century authors. Don’t get me wrong, when your heart breaks— it opens, but unlike any other time in history there can actually be a happy ending. The process of healing can be meaningful and powerful. The desire to commit suicide comes from an inability to see a future let alone, a positive life. It’s a devastating experience and must be looked at with compassion— recognized as a condition that touches people in all walks of life across the board, not just artists.
Do you have a day job other than being a writer? And do you like it?
I am a spiritual empath. Every day I get to help people excavate their soul for answers to their deepest questions. It’s a privilege, I love doing it.
From all that we have been hearing and seeing in the movies, most writers are alcoholics. Your views on that?
Definitely not so. It’s true, creative folks may have a propensity to self-medicate, but alcoholism is a disease that affects many and crosses all lines.
Do you enjoy book signings?
I love book signings! I enjoy traveling to new cities and meeting readers and book store staff. Every one has such a unique energy and experience for me.
Do you reply back to your fans and admirers personally?
I do. While I’d appreciate being way too busy to take the time, I think it’s important. If someone writes a note to my assistant, she can respond to that.
Do you believe attractive book covers help in its sales?
I don’t necessarily judge a book by its cover but, certainly, covers attract my attention and make me feel. So much more is communicated subliminally through a book cover than you can fit in a 30 second pitch.
Have you ever marketed your own books yourself?
I do all of my book marketing. I enjoy it and love to interact with folks on social media and in the press.
Have you ever taken any help from other writers?
I’ve taken a lot of help from my colleagues. I am more of a storyteller than a writer so am eternally grateful for my writer friends. I Couldn’t have accomplished as much without them.
Do you make your own vocabulary words in your book or resort to the existing ones?
I like the use of the word resort here. Appropriate. As much as I’m intuitive and love to make up words, I do my best to use the ones others will be familiar with. Most of the time.
Is writing a book series more challenging?
No, when you’re working with a topic like healing multiple dimensions of energy, there’s so much information and new ideas to be presented and explored.
Are you “there” where you wanted to be?
I am always where I wanted to be, even if I don’t always know it.
What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy coffee and people watching, golf, movies, nature, singing, and visualizing a planet where everyone is free in every way.
Was it all too easy for you – the writing, the publication, and the sales?
I always have beginner’s luck with any new project but this one was particularly magical. So many people were involved in making the process effortless by being where I needed when I needed them.
What is the secret to becoming a bestselling author?
I will let you know.
Writers are permanently depressed; how true is that?
Definitely not true. I think all creative people are generally reflective and hopefully self-reflective. That process looks a lot like depression.
What is your motivation for writing more?
I’ll write as long as I have stories to tell.
Was there a time you were unable to write, At All?
I worked on these books for fifteen years. And, by working, I mean: contemplated, collected data, experienced life, and tried several angles on for size before the final book design and flow emerged. For many years I didn’t even have the focus to journal my feelings. I was planted firmly in the whirlwind of my empathy and emotional experience.
How did you celebrate the publishing of your first book?
I had three book parties in my favorite cities with my favorite people. Doing that again inspires me to write.
Does it get frustrating if you are unable to recall an idea you had in your mind some time earlier?
It is, but I’ve learned that what comes out of the new thought is usually better.
If you die today, how would want the world to remember you?
If I died today, I’d want the world to remember me as the person who didn’t quit. Hopefully taking inspiration from it in times of weariness.
Do you believe you have done enough to leave a legacy behind?
I believe the legacy you leave behind is the stuff you’ve done not how much or what you’ve done. I’ve definitely done some stuff.
Do you pen down revelations and ideas as you get them, right then and there?
Yes, I definitely do. I don’t always use them but just the action of writing them allows for more information to enter into my consciousness.
Are you working on something new at the moment?
I’m currently working on the third volume of The Demon Slayer’s Handbook Series. It’s on karmic relationships.
Ever learned anything thing from a negative review and incorporated it in your writing?
I don’t think there are negative reviews, I think there are negative people. To me, constructive criticism is positive feedback and always appreciated.
It is often said that in order to write something, you must believe in what you are writing. Do you agree with that?
Not necessarily, but I believe in order to be a heartful writer you must know yourself and your topic. It’s always my goal to be a heartful writer.
What would you say is your biggest failure in life?
I don’t believe in failure. I think sometimes we set a goal to receive what comes with the process of achieving that goal. Not necessarily achieving the goal. Therefore, we’re always successful.
You don’t have to be a writer in order to be an author – how true is that?
Every storyteller will find a way to tell their story.
Do you need to be in a specific place or room to write, or you can just sit in the middle of a café full of people and write?
I enjoy writing anywhere; café’s, churches, home, in a hotel room. Busy places help me focus but the flow happens wherever it does.
In case one or any of your books honor the big screen, which book would you like it to be?
I think any book of the series will translate well to the screen, especially television. I would love to see Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson play my spirit guide, Nguvu Jabari. He’d be amazing.
Which book is the one you keep going back to again and again?
My favorite book of all time is, Return of the Bird Tribes, by Ken Carey. It’s given me immense inspiration over the years.
If you were to change your genre, which one would you choose?
Well, each book in The Demon Slayer’s Handbook Series is kind of a three-fer. Each part includes three genres; suspense thriller in parable form, self-help, and memoir. I don’t think I could do a straight novel.
If you’re writing about a city/country/culture you haven’t physically visited, how much research do you conduct before you start writing?
The parables in my book were channeled and researching historic times, places, and events was instrumental in helping me give a voice to the images in my head.
Have you ever written a character with an actor in mind?
No, but my spirit guide Star Bear, in Part four of Master Your Inner World was modeled after my friend Victor Aaron. He was an amazing actor.
Did you have a lot of differences with your editors in the beginning while you were still getting used to having your work edited?
For me, working with my editors was an amazing process of discovery. There weren’t any real differences, mostly they educated me on things I just didn’t know. And, gave me perspective on how my ideas are received. I am forever grateful.
How often do you go on book tours?
I make efforts to do 6-8 events a year. I really enjoy promoting my titles and getting to meet the folks for whom I’ve written them.
Tell us about an interesting or memorable encounter you had with a fan?
I meet quite a few folks who struggle with addiction or love someone who does. At one particular event I was touched when a man and his wife bought the book to read with their son who was struggling with the disease. They deeply wanted to create a common ground to help him heal. THAT is why I write.
Is privacy an issue for you?
Not at all, that’s not to say it’s always comfortable. I live my life making my decisions based on the highest good for all involved, not for who might find out about it.
Were your parents reading enthusiasts who gave you a push to be a reader as a kid?
Both of my parents were avid readers, although they never really directly pushed me to read as a child, reading was a central part of my experience as a child. I had a deep love for books and spent a great deal of time in our local library.
Do you think the charm of public libraries has toned down much in the last decade?
I definitely think they’ve lost their luster, through no fault of their own. I’d like to see more money invested in restoring or renovating our libraries so that they’re inviting to everyone.
Do you enjoy discussing upcoming ideas with your partner? If yes, how much do you value their inputs?
I definitely do. Sometimes a partner can express my ideas more clearly, without sentiment but with compassion. I do my best writing when I’m on the outside of the idea. My partner’s views help get me there.
If you were given a teaching opportunity, would you accept it?
Of course I would. I enjoy working with people who are committed to their own growth.
If you could live anywhere in the world, which country would you choose and why?
I love living in America. I believe it’s the heart of the planet, busy loving, breaking, and growing. As long as my work is here, I’ll stay.
Have you ever turned a dream or a nightmare into a written piece?
There are many dreams recorded in the pages of both books. Especially the second volume— Heal Your Soul History, due to be released next year. It’s central theme is past lives and how they impact your current one.
Were you a troublemaker as a child?
Maybe? I don’t ever think of myself that way, although I was kicked out of my Cadettes troop. I was a very obedient Girl Scout, with several badges and cookie patches. I was asked to leave the older girls troop for back talking. I don’t remember what I said, but I’m sure I don’t regret it.
What is that dream goal you want to achieve before you die?
I think I’d like to get married. I’ve dedicated my life thus far being in service to my healing and the healing of others. Yes, I think a happy marriage is the next appropriate challenge.
Do you think translating books into languages other than their origin forces the intended essence away?
No, currently my book is translated to Spanish, and in some ways some of the ideas are expressed with even more fullness and poetry.
Do you blog?
My blog, The Wedge, does not get the attention from me it deserves. I’ve had the privilege of writing relationship advice for a few dating sites and contributing to many other articles this past year which has taken up my blog time. I look forward to getting back to it! I like giving my perspective on the relevant topics that have our attention and concern. https://traceedunblazier.com/blog/
If you had to pick one other author to write your biography, who would it be?
Well, I’d pick two. The contemporary I’d choose is Mich Albom. He has a lot of compassion, and anyone who’d tell my story would have to do so with an open heart. Secondly, I’d want Abe Lincoln to tell my story. When I see him, I’ll ask him.