Author Name: Tracee Dunblazier
Publish Date: April 3, 2015
Website Link: https://www.meetmindful.com/resurrection-how-to-manifest-a-comeback-of-your-own/
Use the limitless, joyful and accessible Universe to manifest a comeback you could only dream of! Tracee Dunblazier is here to explain the how (and the why).
“The death of your dream is surely the birth; of a richer, clearer, more intensely colored quantum leap forward into the manifestation of your most complete vision.”—10 Things You Need to Know to be a Demon Slayer
Resurrection: The Big Come Back
It was late on a Thursday morning and Third Avenue and 73rd was bustling. A beautiful spring day; the smell of fresh blooms and smog were the king’s riches to me that day. I was 18 and living in New York City. Moving for the second time in my two month tenure.
As I rolled my four ridiculously large boxes down the three flights of stairs to the street I chortled with joy. Yes chortled, even as I was hailing a cab. Although the relationship with my best friend of four years was over (that’s a long time when you’re 18), I was finally in my city, being taken in by a new friend from work and everything was right with the world. The cabby pulled up and got out of the car to open the trunk and as we both bent down to pick up the largest box (it definitely needed four hands) the bottom gave way and all of its contents spilled out onto the Avenue.
I began to laugh and look around for resources to MacGyver the box when, just as I looked up, the cabby was driving away. How could he just leave me like that? There I was on Third Avenue with all of my worldly possessions strewn about the street. This was New York City, of course people would immediately see my vulnerability and come steal my things…that’s what I’d been told. I stood there in the street for at least ten minutes, no longer chortling but still smiling, wondering how this one was going to resolve itself when a guy from a hardware store at least two blocks up, came running down to me with some rope.
I am not sure how he spotted me, I suspect phone calls were made by other merchants closer to the action. No matter, he was my knight in shining armor, bringing me rope and helping me put my box back together again. He hailed another cab for me and this time the transport went smoothly.
As I sat here today contemplating that experience, I thought to myself “I could not handle that today…it would just be too much…it would be chortle-less for sure.”
Resurrection sometimes appears highly unattainable in our world, with all of the continual conflict coming at us from all directions, but surely as death is imminent, so is our daily opportunity to rise above our mortality.
Understanding how our spirit works is the way through. Sometimes I sit and ponder the weight of world history…human history. Billions of people have awakened and re-awakened over and over again in a way that is profound to consider. If you think about it, probably over history, at least a million people have been in your shoes, survived and recovered. Tap into that and you’ve got it made.
The spirit is limitless in its possibility, joyous in its vigor and accessible one hundred percent of the time. Let these words be a little reminder that no matter where or how you find yourself and your loved ones, that there is always hope through your conscious choice. When you choose these things the spiritual change is immediate and the big come back is on its way.
Limitless Possibility
You’ve heard people say, “If you can think it, you can be it.” Our spirit, the very thing our lives are based on, is the source of all we have. Taking time out of your life to practice contemplating where you’ve been and visualizing where you want to be is vital to your ability to open yourself and receive what your kingdom has to offer.
Start by breathing in deep breaths and paying attention to the thoughts that come to your mind, acknowledging them and then letting them pass through completely. Over time, doing this will help you to become clear about what you no longer need in order to create space for your new needs and desires to be met.
Vigorous Joy
Many people experience depression when they begin a spiritual practice, there is a reason for that. Beginning to work with your spirit in a conscious way brings up to the fore any painful, dull or repressed dense emotions. Just as the brain has a way of rerouting to overlook trauma, the emotions have a way of settling in until they are addressed. It is the nature of your spirit to be resilient and joyful but you’ve got to stay with your spiritual practice long enough to move through the darkness.
The key is to attune your awareness to the detail of every thought, feeling or memory that pushes through your mind. Paying attention to every little thing allows you to feel and re-experience it all a little at a time, with a new perspective. New perspective brings a joyful nuance to old pain. The deeper you go, the more space you create, the more expanded transformation is inevitable.
Access Granted
No matter how you relate to the Creator, you always have access to the limitless supply of light that we are all made of. Call on it and it is yours. Receive it and the work is done for you.
Every day you are surrounded by light even in the darkness, so if you take time to practice this awareness your daily vision of yourself, life, environment and others begins to subtly change to a brilliant hue of experience. Let your vision of your life change from your greatest fear to your loftiest expectation. Allow yourself to plan for the best by continually increasing and expanding your expectations of all aspects of your life.
Here is a little experiment for you to try:
Take seven days to prove to yourself that taking ten minutes out of your day, every day, to reflect on everything that comes to your mind and then to visualize the things that you want to happen. This creates a happier, more relaxed, focused and productive human being…you. Better yet, get a group of your friends to make the same seven day commitment, so that you can all compare notes.
Finally, take notes. Keep a journal every day of your practice, writing down everything that comes to mind that feels like it should be recorded. There is no way to do any of this wrong…except of course…not doing it at all.
The easiest thing to do is to lose heart and let your kingdom rule you instead of being the leader of your kingdom.
About the Author:
Tracee Dunblazier, GC-C, CCDC, spiritual empath, shaman, educator, author and speaker is based in Los Angeles, California. Tracee specializes in grief counseling, energy dynamics, Shamanic healing, past life and soul recovery, transition strategy, addiction transformation, and space clearings. In 2015, Tracee founded GoTracee Publishing LLC and BeASlayer.com to publish a new hybrid of self-help, memoir, and spiritual book to access a wider audience of spiritual seekers. As a multi-sensitive, Tracee blends information that she receives intuitively with different modalities to create a unique healing plan for every client. Every session is focused on freeing the client from their presenting issue to release, empower, and heal – no matter what the condition. Tracee’s compassionate, humorous, down-to-earth style supports and empowers clients as tender topics are addressed during the session. An accomplished author, Tracee has written two books on the topic of personal soul excavation and deep healing from soul to body. Book one: The Demon Slayer’s handbook: A Practical Guide to Mastering Your Inner World addresses inner mental, emotional, and spiritual mastery through self-awareness and spirit guide communication. Book two: The Demon Slayer’s handbook: A Practical Guide to Self- Healing and Unconditional Love empowers cultural awareness and understanding through looking at the concept of past lives and soul imprints. Tracee’s published articles cover many subjects related to spirituality and relationships while her blog breaks down current events and daily energy dynamics that everyone experiences. Tracee’s been a guest on many prominent television and radio programs informing others about spirituality and sacred ritual practices. Tracee teaches workshops, webinars, and offers two online courses on the DailyOm.com. As well as speaking engagements touching on subjects like grief, death & dying, unconditional love, self- acceptance, and healing.