“May Cause Heart Attack and or Death”
This is one of the many disclaimers in a pharmaceutical commercial for a substance we call medicine. Insert OMG here. While I understand that nothing and no one is perfect or fool proof, at what point in our history did we just give the power of our self care over to the medical profession? Was it about the same time that we started thinking that our spirituality was something to practice on weekends? With all of this hullibalew about health care and who is going to pay, i think it is pretty obvious that we ALL pay in some way because somewhere along the very long line from shamanism to organized religion we lost the holistic concept that our body’s health is dependent on the health of the spirit and adopted the belief that it was someone else’s responsibility to take care of it.
Shaman’s Protocol
Shamanic healing recognizes that when some sort of emotional or physical trauma has taken place at any time in life that is not reconciled, it can become a foundation for disease to thrive, even to the point of changing the DNA. Also, it is accepted that we are multi leveled spiritual beings and often times illness can happen as a result of spiritual intrusion on some level. The cure is a spiritual one; a Shamanic journey to the origin of the intrusion, trauma, or imbalance, to reclaim the personal power that was lost and to release and transform any interloper that may be present. The journey is made by the Shaman on behalf of the suffering one in concert with their spirit guides.
Proof of Light
Today is definitely the coolest day to be alive. Finally, there is research that shows that our energy and emotion changes us on a cellular level and can even change our DNA. We also know that through the study of Epigenetics, “Epigenetics is the study of epigenomes, certain chemicals and switches that instruct the genes…something tells certain genes to kill cancers-or not, that “something” just might be the epigenomes…” (1) Some of the research cited in the book tells us that our environment, in fact, continues to nurture or affect our epigenomes and change the DNA; and that very DNA can be passed down to other generations, hence, the sins of the father… Gregg Braden also preformed a very exciting experiment where they took two samples of the same DNA and separated them, caused changes to one part of the DNA but saw the result on both. Obviously, this is only part of the story, but it’s the gist and Whew…it gives me chills. Finally, there is now proof of light in and around our body and the integral relationship of our spirit to our body through light. The scientific acknowledgement of the light body that surrounds the physical body (aura) and its impact not only on our bio rhythms, but also our cell generation, and that DNA is actually a storage unit for light. It just makes me light up in green!
What The Hell Does it All Mean?
What all of this means is that you have control over your life and your body. The way you think, feel, and treat yourself can activate or disengage ALL of your possibilities. Definitely I am living proof of such truths. Coming from a family of crazy people and cancer havers…well let’s just say things could have been pretty disappointing for me. I’ve turned my crazy into a business and we are still zero on the cancer front. I am not going to lie, at times it has all been a real struggle and most certainly I am very proficient at suffering. I have now made my emotions my friend and know that truly I am alive because I give them freedom. Getting massages frequently, monitoring everything I eat, being vigilantly aware of my body’s signals, disciplined with my supplements, and my thoughts and beliefs are all the ways that I seek and find balance for my mind, body, and spirit. Yes, it is a lot of work…but really…what else is there to do?
Light Prayer
Mother Father God I am grateful for your light in every cell of my body. I know that it makes me who I am today. I am willing to release my old ideas about myself and in return you will fill all of those blank spaces with more of your light. I now call on (your favorite color) light to fill my mind, body, and spirit on all levels. Thank you.
Some Books You Might Enjoy
(1) The Subtle Body-an encyclopedia of your energetic anatomy, by Cyndi Dale
(2) Dynamic Energetic Healing- Integrating Core Shamanic Practices with Energy Psychology Applications and Process Work Principles, by Howard Brocksman, LCSW
(3) Buddha’s Brain- the practical neuroscience of happiness, love, and wisdom, by Rick Hanson, PH.D with Richard Mendius, MD
Go here for a list of books by Gregg Braden, www.greggbraden.com